Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New plot!

Okay so Yejin and I were figuring out what was going to happen with the story and Yejin had one key moment stuck in their head of having a scene surrounding a mug breaking. Since Tina always tells us to do things simply I figured that should be the main point of conflict between our subling dynamic. After this talk, I quickly came up with a very rough outline of what should happen that follows the sibling dynamic, the leaving for college, and finally the mug breaking.

Sibling starts packing 
You see college box somewhere in the frame 
Pick up kids cracked mug 
Turn around to see the scene 
Mug was given as a gift to the kid 
Sibling drink Alcohol out of the mug 
Kid finds them 
Sibling says like don’t tell mum or something like that
Late that night sibling hears banging downstairs
Siblings walks downstairs to see kid trying to get the mug
Kid trying to get mug to also drink liquor 
sibling sees them 
They drop mug 
They confront each other
They glue mug together 
High angle of siblings putting the mug in goodwill box 

Hear sibling as an adult saying the closing statement 

We really wanted to focus the story on growing up, a loss of innocence, and the fear of moving on. Since I'm the youngest in my family and Yejin is the oldest in there we were able to combine our experiences to truly gauge what would happen in this world. I'll let you know what happens with the script because sadly I don't think we'll be able to film this week :(

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