Hello humbled evaluators, teachers, and honored guests, I'm currently writing this draft for one of my final blog posts at 2 am- not because I procrastinated it as you can see by the post date, but because I can't sleep till Yejin and have our animations finished.

Yejin asked if I would be willing in helping them animate and of course, I said yes, not only because I love drawing, but it introduces me to new techniques and methods of filmmaking. Above are some of the animations I helped Yejin out with. Each is quite painstakingly long to do in all honesty, sometimes frustrating (like when you draw on the reference frame), but overall therapeutic. We had some issues in transporting these gifs into Adobe Premier as sometimes each individual frame would glitch out of recognition leaving us to manually animate each individual keyframe. But oh well, whatever it takes to make the film as best as it could be.
Yejin also asked me if I could find us a color palette
to use within the film and this is what I came up with!

Reasoning: This pallet shows a spectrum of colors that are often seen as nostalgic, they all fit within a "vintage" color scheme. Although our film is not vintage per se, it's a homage to what the film represents. As "Growing pains" is about reflecting on the past and either moving on, or getting stuck within. You could also look at it as Marco embodying the yellow, the most prominent within each palette as he is in Charlie's life and taking said yellow, joy and happiness, out of his life would leave them dark and seemingly unfinished The light blue, mint, and yellow bring a childlike feel to the scheme, while the brick and dark blue shades ground it, as Charlie does for Marco. When studying color psychology you can also see darker colors, more specifically brown, red, grey, and blue have a more 'mature' feel, which is why I felt they would work great not only in visual effects but in meaning for our production.
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